Welcome to Dave Holistic Health & Energy Medicine Research Centre
I am Dr. Rajni Kant Dave a radiologist and energy medicine analyst and holistic health consultant practicing in Kanpur, India.
I am trying to do research and establishing an new paradigm in alternate medicine for the benefit of mankind.
Modern medicine is still unable to accept the existence of electomagnic part of human body and focuses only on the physical part of the body.
Now it is well established by quantum physics and accepted by the vast majority of scientist that the universe is a unified field (consciousness, pran, chi etc.) from which every inert object and living things including human and animals emerge. read more...
Our Services
- • Vector NLS
- • Resonant Field Imaging
- • Quantum Magnetic Resonance Analysis
- • Bio Plasma Healing Device
- • Bio Energy Diagnostics
- • Distant Healing
- • Analysis of Chakra and Energy Field Healing
- • Vedic Vibration Therapy
- • Vortex Helix Water for General Well being and Immunity Boost
- • Ozone Therapy
- • Aura Imaging & Chakra Diagnosis
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WAKEFIELD, Mass.–(BUSINESS WIRE)–June 13, 2005–AgION Technol...
Our universe is made of vibrations. The solid matter or mani...